Our Journey to Better Health
Health is a priority for most of us, and even under the best circumstances can require us to make radical life changes. We are no exception at Natural Element Botanicals.
Our journey is based on personal experiences and the desire to improve overall health.
Co-Founder, Stacey Swisher, was diagnosed 12 years ago with a brain tumor and was treated with gamma knife radiation. In an effort to offset the effects of the radiation, Stacey dedicated her life to research on detoxification and working with medical professionals on her team to gain a better understanding of how to reduce the toxic burden on our bodies in many ways.
Nearly seven years later, she received another life changing diagnosis of Lyme disease and multiple co-infections from a past exposure to ticks while living in Central America. This new diagnosis brought Stacey’s attention back to detoxification, as well as, examining what was put both in and on the body. She began a serious pursuit of products that were more naturally based, such as essential oils and an antioxidant diet.
One key area she focused on were the skin-care products used daily. Some of those skin-care products were found to contain harmful chemicals and even ingredients known to be hormone disruptors. Shocking! There had to be a better way!
Meanwhile, five years ago, Co-Founder James Lowrey noticed that his vision in the left eye was diminishing, and an examination was finally performed only to discover that the eye itself was perfectly healthy. A referral to a neurosurgeon led to the discovery of a macroadenoma of the pituitary gland that was pressing upon the optic nerve, and a delicate and risky surgery was needed to remove the tumor to prevent the loss of vision and other hormone function.
After a successful surgery, he and his wife Kelly, who herself struggles with sensitive skin, developed a desire to improve their overall health, which led them to the use of essential oils and other natural products. These proved effective; however, more action was needed!
Natural Elements Botanicals was born
Eventually Stacey and her husband Glen, joined together with James and his wife Kelly in 2022 to form a new company with a common mission – providing premium natural and plant-based personal care products to those who are looking for healthy alternatives.
As the skin is the largest organ in the body, and it supports the life of all other body parts and plays a role in maintaining the immune system, it seems logical that beyond just controlling the nutrients and chemicals that go into our body, we must control the nutrients and chemicals that go onto our body.
Research led to the discovery of natural and plant-based ingredients that are excellent for the skin and overall health. Ingredients, such as, Aloe Vera, Calendula, Tea Tree, Lavender, Willow Bark, Frankincense, Cehami, Vitamin C, Rose water, and more.
We worked with leading experts to formulate our first product, Natural Elements Botanicals Moisturizing Facial Polish. Our facial polish is unique in many ways. It not only serves to gently exfoliate sensitive areas of the skin, such as the face, but this intensely moisturizing cream provides the skin with a daily dose of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids that are necessary for healthy skin.
We will continue to follow this winning formula as we develop new products for all skin types and conditions, including anti-aging.